
What Does Grade Mean On LinkedIn?

You can use LinkedIn to connect with old friends, make new connections, and learn about interesting people worldwide.

You can also better understand their professional skills by looking at their LinkedIn profiles.

Here’s what you need to know about the three different types of grades that employers tend to put on LinkedIn.

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What You Need To Know

The first type is an A. This grade indicates that the individual has a top-tier education, experience, or title.

The second type is an A+. This grade states that the person’s skill set is high across many areas and is considered a highly educated expert in their field.

The third type is an A– which means that they seem like any other working professional on paper but haven’t yet proven themselves in some key areas like management roles.

Their role might be more focused on operations than strategy or marketing initiatives or vice versa. If you are unsure if someone has attained an A+ or A– designation, then ask them directly.

If they mention anything about earning either of these designations, it should give you confidence in their abilities and how much value employers place on them. 

Why are these grades on LinkedIn?

About LinkedIn

Known to be an American employment and business online-oriented service, LinkedIn operates to reach all and sundry.

It was launched in 2003. Since then, the platform has been primarily used for career development and professional networking. It allows job seekers to post their resumé and employers to post jobs.

LinkedIn uses a programmed algorithm to calculate grades. The organization does not share the specific criteria or ranking modes that go into the calculation. However, LinkedIn shows that the grades are meant to reflect any given user’s overall health and activity.

Through the grading system, LinkedIn encourages users to be active on the site and maintain a well-rounded profile. 

When you complete each activity that leads to a high grade, you can increase your chances of being found by recruiters and other LinkedIn members.

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What Does Grade Mean On Linkedin?

The LinkedIn grade is an indication of your professional skills and experience. The higher the grade, the more valuable you are as a candidate.

The number of stars next to your name indicates how many people have viewed your profile on LinkedIn over time.

You can change this number by submitting articles or other content that gets people interested in working with you again. How, then, can I get a better grade?

You can increase your score by uploading new information about yourself, such as résumé updates or even blog posts written by yourself.

1. LinkedIn score

The LinkedIn score is a measure of your overall influence on the platform. It’s based on how many followers, recommendations, and endorsements you have received.

With an exceptional score, your influence on LinkedIn becomes top-notch, and it doesn’t hurt that this number is displayed as an easy-to-read number out of 100.

LinkedIn determines its calculations by calculating a number between 1 and 100, 1 being low and 100 being high. These calculations consider several factors:

  • Your activity (How often do you post?)
  • Your connections’ activity (Do they also post regularly?)
  • Whether or not other people who follow those connections have seen their posts before

2. Determining Your Score

The score is determined by your profile, connections, and activity on LinkedIn. It’s not a letter grade but rather a number between 1 and 100 that indicates how well you are doing in each site area.


Your profile will determine how many people click through to your profile from search results or other people’s profiles. Suppose you don’t have any connections or posts in an industry-related group. 

In that case, this could result in lower scores due to a lack of visibility for those who do visit sites like yours or search engines like Google, which uses LinkedIn data.


The number of people who can see what you post depends on the quality of their connections with you. 

If they have fewer connections than others, they may be less likely to see content posted by someone with whom they share a mutual interest and, therefore, less likely to engage with it.


How often has someone viewed something related to which he/she subscribes? This type of feedback is especially important because it’s something only visible when read through the view count feature available within each post made under its title bar.

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LinkedIn Grade Examples

If you are as bright as your report card and have a good grade on your report card, you can mention it directly on your profiling.

However, it could be that you have worked hard to get a good grade, but you have not been able to achieve it. So it does not mean that you are not a good student.

You can also express your grade without mentioning it specifically. Some examples are listed below:

  • My hard work helped me reach this position.
  • I invested my time in my studies which, in return, gave me a good grade.
  • I enjoyed learning, and it helped me gain knowledge and a good grade.
  • I got a high GPA for taking my school studies seriously.
  • I got the highest grade in this subject.

The LinkedIn grading system is a measure of how well your profile’s quality and completeness are. The higher the grade, the better your profile.

The Grade is calculated based on two factors: how well you have filled out your profile and how well it complements your professional network.

If you have filled out all the information needed for people to find out more about you and see what kind of person they can get along with working with.

This will be reflected in their decision about hiring or not hiring someone like yourself. The grade is more beneficial to your potential employers than it is to you.


What does a grade mean on Linkedin? Should it stir up unnecessary concerns? Well, a Grade on LinkedIn is not an important thing to remember.

However, it is something that you should keep in mind when considering a potential employer. 

In the end, it might mean more than you think to an employer. Always know that your prowess matter in the outside world.

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