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What Is A Brown Bag Lunch
For those that might be hearing this for the very first time, there’s something we call a brown bag meeting, so I’d be starting from there. A brown bag meeting is usually a learning event organized most times solely for the purpose of fun and catch up by employers to employers etc, in this meeting several trainings can occur but in a very informal setting.
The topics usually discussed In a brown bag meeting is usually very wide, fun and generally to avoid anything work-related but they focus on other related things about their profession, catch up with colleagues who haven’t been around , give useful information on how to utilize employee rewards scheme etc.
Sometimes brown bag lunches are held purely for purpose of bonding. An employee may share photos of their wedding or insight from foreign travel or a funny event that occured in the office etc.
Now, since you understand what a brown bag meeting is all about, you should already have an idea about what a brown bag lunch is, but I’d explain anyways. During a brown bag meeting, employees usually bring their own packed lunch in a brown bag to brown bag lunches.
Although most employers are increasingly providing food, such as takeaway pizzas or sandwich platters, as an incentive for attending.
Brown bag lunches are usually held at the beginning or end of a workday and occasionally, during the evening or weekend.
What Is An Internal Training?
Internal training are trainings usually organized within an organisation by development officers solely for the purpose of teaching or orienting the staffs on various subjects.
The purpose of this internal trainings is to reinforce knowledge and to improve the soft skills of employees.
Types Of Employee Internal Trainings:
1. Orientation/induction
Orientation are usually a one time training done for new employees within the first week of the job in other to orient them on the pros and cons of the work ethics is the most common type of employee training. This training tends to be relevant to all company-wide roles and departments.
2. On-boarding Training
Onboarding training are series of department-specific sessional trainings that take place over a longer period of time. It is strategically created with the goal of enabling new employees to be as successful as they can be in their new roles in the shortest period of time.
Onboarding trainings usually starts on the first day of employment and will continue till the end of the first year of the job. It is prepared by department leaders with the focus of helping the newbies to reach the departmental goals and help them connect with overall company objectives.
A good onboarding training program should feature education lessons on ways to stay engaged and productive at work. An effective and successful onboarding trainings gradually bring new employees up to speed much quicker than if left to fend for themselves.
3. Technical Skills Development Training
A successful company is a function of employees who are willing to keep learning. No matter what technical level your employees are at, there is always room for more improvement.
Technical (hard) skills include the know-how of doing things like data analysis, content writing, social media management, coding, programming, graphics designing etc.
Technical skills training are very essential and is a fundamental employee education component because it’s the main way your employees will know how to technically do their jobs right.
4. Soft Skills Development Training
Soft skills (such as communication and time management) are personal attributes that enable employees to interact effectively with other people in the workplace, including co-workers, management, and customers.
Soft skills trainings are very useful for both new and existing employees of all levels and is an effective way to build an efficient, respectful and collaborative culture
Some topics to consider covering in a soft skills training include:
- Presentation skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Conflict resolution
- Communication skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Time management
- Ethics and leadership skills
- Teamwork
- Adaptability and consistency
5. Products And Services Training
This type of training is available for any employee that needs information about a particular product or service. It can also be used to educate staff on newly introduced products, services or features so they are always up to date.
6. Mandatory Training
Depending on where your company is located and the industry it operates in, certain employee preparedness and training regulations may apply.
Why Should You Provide Internal Training?
- Internal training is cost ecomical as it involves breaking the huge barriers that is associated with external training. It reflects a solid knowledge of the organization’s culture. The internal training uses real-life examples, problems, and challenges that participants encounter every day at work.
- A Successful internal training identifies and highlights the exact skills and knowledge that the employees need to succeed in their jobs. It also prepares employees for success in their next jobs or promotion opportunities.
- Employees who have received training can be coached and prepared to train other employees. Nothing cements the content of the training in an employee’s mind as quickly as the fact that the employee needs to be prepared to train other employees. It is also a measurement of how much an employee has learned.
Purpose Of Lunch And Learns
Lunch and learns encourage employees to be themselves ,share their thoughts and ideas in a more relaxed, casual environment at lunchtime. It is aimed at enhancing the skills, knowledge, thinking, and learning abilities of employees. They are provided in an informal setting that employees appreciate, learning something new and interesting.
Lunch and learns are also an opportunity to build teamwork and a positive work environment for employees.
Their purpose is usually to:
Enhance employee learning and broaden their mindsets on topics that are not too work related. It helps to Develop the employees knowledge about life skills, the world, and other topics of interest
Provide a reason for employees to gather to enhance teamwork and company values
Raise employees’ level of engagement and motivation at work by providing onsite education
Increase employees’ ability to grow as well as contribute to their company’s success.