
How To Answer: Why Did You Decide To Become A Teacher?

During an interview for a teaching job, you should expect to be asked about your motivations and drive toward that career path. This article gives the answer to the question, “Why did you decide to become a teacher?”.

This question is necessary because it gives the interviewer the ability to understand your feelings about your work. Your feedback will also reveal a little bit about your work ethic and how you got to where you are.

The best answers to this question should be promising, and good, and show a love for teaching and a passion for being in the classroom.

It can also be helpful if you try to use your feedback as an opportunity to show that you have the qualifications needed and listed.

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What The Interviewer Wants To Know

Your answer to that question should show the interviewer that you are happy with the teaching job and how you relate to the activity.

To illustrate this further, come prepared with an answer that reflects your teaching philosophy, career path, skills, and qualifications.

Most likely, everyone interviewed for a teaching position will have a different answer to this question. That is to be expected as your work is personal. The key is to focus on how your work will benefit the employer and how you will succeed in the job market.

Read also:  How to Answer “What Was Most and Least Rewarding About Your Last Job?”

How Would You Answer “Why Did You Decide To Become A Teacher?”

It will be easier to answer any interview question if you prepare in advance. That way, you won’t be put in the fix when the question arises. Take time to consider the reasons why you are inclined to teach.

Consider providing a personal anecdote, something that will divert the attention of your interviewers from the question to your thoughts. Share stories about how you made a difference to a child in class or how you successfully taught a challenging subject because of what you’ve learned. 

Very Good Answers

Answer No. 1 (Inspiration)

Go ahead to relate an experience you have had. You could say something like, “the best teacher I ever had was my history teacher in high school.

I preferred English to science over history, but he was able to see beyond the fact and made the subject live beyond the then-recognized curriculum.

We looked at historical events using newspapers and wrote our blogs as if we were journalists at the time. His unique techniques inspired me, and I strive to bring the same love of new learning styles to my class.

Importance: This reply will show that the student recognizes how the motivating teacher changed his life and made his standards. It also reveals that the job seeker understands how unconventional methods can help them communicate with students, which may be something this school may not acknowledge.

Answer No. 2 (Inspiration)

“The assistant teacher in my high school was my inspiration, and it was part of the reason I considered a career in teaching. His ability to guide students, his goodness, and his sense of justice made me want to bring these things to my class.”

Importance: With this response, the job seeker shares an anecdote about motivating teachers and the values ​​that drive a person’s work to be written today.

Answer No. 3 (Prowess)

While teaching, I had the opportunity to set the student aside to help him with a difficult mathematical concept.

When I showed him a different way of dealing with the problem, and he “found it,” I realized that I had chosen the right career.

Importance: Probably every teacher has had that “wow” moment with their student. Assuming the interviewer is a teacher, this response allows the recipient to establish a connection.

Read also:  How To Answer A Job Interview Question “What are You Passionate About”

Tips For Giving The Best Answer

Here are some tips to make your answers stand out:

Be Honest

What makes you a teacher? One reason your interviewer might ask this question is to get the reason for your motivation. Be honest and specific in your details when it comes to your career.

Share Examples Or Tell Stories

Were you encouraged by your teacher? Ever seen or read an article in the news that made you realize how much better a good teacher can be? Adding anecdotes or memories to your answer can make it even more powerful.

Reasons To Be A Teacher

Many teachers find that their love for children or their passion for reading motivates them to teach. Some teachers enter the field because they are eager to make a difference. People often remember their teachers for life, long after school ends.

Others have been encouraged by their teacher earlier in their education, which has positively affected them. A teacher may be viewed as a leader, a mentor, or even a parent.

Describing A Favorite Teacher

It may lead to a related interview question about the best teacher you ever had, who your favorite teacher was, and why.

This question speaks to more than just the job you have chosen; it also reflects on how you work as an employer, as the teacher is the first supervisor of your work, even though you are just a student.

Did you admire your teacher for being patient or perhaps for taking the time to give you extra help? The interviewer will be interested in your definition of what features you recommend to your teacher because they provide insight into what type of management style you choose and which approach makes you successful.

No one has ever forgotten the purpose of a meaningful teacher who influenced their life. It is a personal question, so your answer should be yours too.

And it is an opportunity to indirectly indulge in some of your good qualities and abilities due to your teacher’s guidance.

Read also:  How To Answer The Question, “What Have you been Doing Since Your Last Job”?

What Not To Say

“I’m So Happy to be out for the Summer break”: Do not put your answer to this question all about job benefits (such as short days or summer vacations). That may be encouraging, but it will not make you look good, and the possibility of you being a good candidate for the job may dwindle.

Dishonesty: This should go without saying, but your inspiring story should be true. If you try to cheat either by extending the truth about working with one of your teachers or by making up false stories, you will not get that connection with the person you are talking to.

You may also need to ask yourself why you do not have a real story to share.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

  • What is your teaching philosophy?
  • What is your class management style?
  • Do you use technology as a teaching aid?
  • How do you motivate your students?


It is imperative that you are asked about your previous job in an interview. The tips given above will help you give good answers and secure your career job of being a teacher if that is what you choose.

  • Share Anecdotes (Stories): Share anecdotes or stories about teachers who inspired you.
  • Align your qualifications with work: Use your feedback to highlight your teaching prowess, classroom management skills, etc.
  • Be honest: Be honest and considerate in your response.

Please note that this article in no way promotes dishonesty in any interview. The tips given above are real-time examples and can be extrapolated.

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