
How To Turn Your Internship Into A Full-Time Job (With GIFs)

For students or just graduated students who want to break into a competitive field of industry, an internship is a great option for them to consider. Many of the world’s leading companies offer internships to enthusiastic and ambitious individuals.

In recent times, it has become difficult and challenging for recent graduates to get a permanent job. These students look up to getting a permanent job through their Internship hence the question; How to Turn Your Internship Into a Full-Time Job

As you know, a  good internship will add some value to your resume, giving you at least some experience.

A good internship can provide you with a full-time job at the company. But what can interns do to give themselves the best chance of securing that job permanently? You will find out as you read on.

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8 Ways To Turn Your Internship Into A Full-Time Job

We have out listed 8 possible ways how to turn your Internship into a full-time job, and they include;

1. Find An Internship That Fits

An internship helps build your skill for career development. Suppose you are not doing a good job in a position you have acquired. In that case, it is almost impossible to secure the job position permanently, which is why you should take your time in looking out for an internship that you can deal with comfortably. 

2. Try To Make The Best Impression

As we know, first impressions matter. You know that you do not get a second chance to make the first good impression.

Try to give out your best on your first trial or interview. The most important good image to create is being punctual with any internship application.

Try getting more information and facts about the job business. It will help you gain a better stand and give you the confidence to speak. Try to understand the organization’s mission and values. 

On a more practical level, find out about company rules or guidelines. Find out if the organization has a dress code. If so, make sure you follow it on day one. Other principles to learn and think about from day one of your Internship include:

  • Using the phone at supposed work hours
  • Personal use of company equipment 
  • Privacy policy 
  • Set goals and expectations
  • Rules and regulations

With the knowledge of this, you stand a better chance of being retained and taken as a full-time employee after your Internship. 

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3. Establish Goals And Expectations

Before you begin any internship, it is only normal for the company or organization will tell you your role in the company.

Many interns will sit across from their supervisor, nodding and agreeing with everything they say. It’s important to respect each supervisor and deliver what they want from you, but it’s also good to speak up.

If you are confused about anything concerning company policy, do not hesitate to ask questions, at least for clarification.

There are goals you should focus on while in the company during your Internship. Asking for such goals will show your supervisor how enthusiastic you are.

4. Demonstrate A Strong Work Ethic

No company wants you to know everything about your role in just a day after your arrival, and you can ask questions and even make mistakes. But you should also know that no company will accept an intern who shows no willingness and seriousness towards their work.

You must develop and demonstrate a clear work ethic to colleagues and superiors. To do this, you can choose to work extra time even when you are not asked to but be careful not to be extreme while at it.

You are still an intern, so you should not be required to work 24/7. Demonstrating a strong work ethic can give you the credit of being a full-time employer.

5. Be Proactive And Demonstrate Initiative

Have it somewhere that we learn every day, and as an intern, you are there to learn and grow while working. One way to concentrate better is to always sit in a corner and quietly go about your assigned task. 

This will help you spot your errors and give you positive ideas that may benefit the company or organization. Always use your initiative to find other ways you can help.

Keep it at the back of your mind that whatever you do can yield productivity to the organization you work for, and of course, your superiors see these things and may likely keep you permanently.

6. Demonstrate A Willingness To Learn And Improve

This is one best chance of being retained in a company or organization. The learning process should not stop when you finally get accepted, and you can learn much more when you are in a company.

Attend company seminars and ask lots of questions. It shows how dedicated you are and makes it easier to assess whether you want to work for the company full-time.

In addition, an internship allows you to learn about yourself. You may find an aspect of business that interests you more than the area you thought you wanted to work in.

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7. Grow Your Network

You stand a better chance of getting better opportunities if you are doing your Internship at a big company. It also gives you contact with a whole new group of people.

Developing good relationships and friendships with colleagues is essential for any intern. When you get along well with the people around you, it will be easier for you to work as a team. Teamwork and collaboration are skills employers value.

If you are seen as a valued member by your team members, they may also speak for you to be taken fully as a permanent worker.

A strong professional network will help you find a future job. They can refer you to friends and colleagues from other organizations, whether it’s an open position or an informational interview.

8. Make It Clear That You Want A Full-Time Role

During your Internship, it is best to know your intentions while working as an intern. Don’t assume your supervisor will realize that’s what you’re after.

Many people do internships for experience rather than pursuing a full-time position, so be clear with your supervisors about what you want.


How to turn your Internship into a full-time job can be very easy depending on your performance and attitude to work during your internship program. 

This is to say that if you are looking to turn your Internship into a full-time job, you need to do your best to ensure the growth of the company or organization you are working for, as there are also people looking out for the same position you want. 

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