
What Are The Minimum Hours For Full-Time Employment?

Over the years, people have been trying to find suitable definitions and explanations for a full-time job or the minimum hours that is demanded of a full-time employee, though 35hours are widely accepted as the informal Standard. Also, the definition of full-time employment depends on how the employers see it. 

If you are in search of a full-time job, or you are sitting on the fence not knowing which to choose between the full-time job, the understanding of what full-time work is can be of help to you.

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What is a Full-Time Job

A full-time job typically entails a set of workweeks that demands 8hours a day and 40 hours a week, though it still depends on the nature of the work or the industry you work for.

Before accepting a job you should not be afraid to ask for the work schedule because most employers can make use of your ignorance to exploit you and make you work more hours.

Before we continue let’s look at what a part-time job is;

What Are Part-Time Jobs

These are the type of jobs mostly taken by students who are from a school or college and have crossed the legal age of working. It is also the type of job taken by people who want to undertake different job ventures so as boost their income.

Part-time jobs usually require you to putting a maximum of 4hours and a minimum of 2hours per day. Some work might require a long time while some require less time, and it only requires you have some skills and talent. If you have free time a part-time job might seem the best for you.

Benefits of part-time jobs

Certain benefits come with working on a part-time basis and here are some of them;

  • Extra Income: Working on a part basis gives you the freedom to do different jobs at your convenience, which in turn generates more income.
  • Reduced stress level: The part-time job is less stressful because you have a limited time to work which is usually 2 to 4 hours per day.
  • Open Doors For New Opportunities: Doing a part-time job gives you the time to explore other areas of interest which can bring new and better opportunities for you. With this, you are open to any form of business that comes your way.
  • More time with family: The part-time job allows you to spend time with family because of the limited time you spend working, this way the bond of the family keeps becoming tight.
  • Saves Transportation Cost: Part-time work is not every day, you may go only on weekends or two, three times a week. The cost of transportation is not incurred which increases your savings.
  • Maintaining Your Mental And Physical Health: Healthy living is important to our well-being and a part-time job gives you the desired rest that you deserve. As a part-time worker, you have the opportunity to look after your health at regular intervals.
  • Reducing Meal Cost: As a part-time worker, you don’t necessarily have to bother about buying meals outside because have the opportunity to eat at home before you leave for work and even when you return because you don’t stay out for long.
  • Developing Transferable Skills: Being a part-time worker gives you the advantage of learning new skills that can be useful in your future employment. Communications skills and problem-solving skills can acquire when you work part-time basis.

Disadvantages of a part-time job

  • Could negatively affect an employee’s career advancement: An employee who is career advancement cannot it with a part-time job, promotion would be hard to come by.
  • Employees may be viewed as less committed by other colleagues: Due to the work schedule and timing, some other people may see the part-time job as unproductive.
  • Supervision Issues: Most times part-time workers are left on their own with little or no supervision which brings about a lack of productivity.
  • It could Negatively Affect a worker’s income and benefits: A part-time may not be paid as much as a full-time employee, which brings about a low-income return at the end of the day.  There are other benefits that a part-time worker is not entitled to like health insurance coverage.

Full-Time Jobs Vs Part-time Jobs

There are a few ways the full-time job and the part-time job can be differentiated., here are some ways to differentiate between the two;

  • Pay: This can prove to be a big difference between a full-time job and a part-time job. The full-time job does have a higher working time than the part-time job and as such the full-time job has a high pay percentage than the part-time job.
  • Schedules:Full-time employees usually have a fixed working time, for example, if you are employed you know the length of time you will spend with the organization you have to work from Monday to Friday whereas in a part-time job there is no fixed time for work. The part-time job may require you to work a few days during the week and on weekends, which makes it more flexible.
  • Work Hours: The full-time job requires an employee to work for a long period, usually eight hours, and on the other hand the part-time shift is irregular and has a shorter time.
  • Benefits: Full-time employees receive benefits such as health insurance coverage, PTO, sick leave whereas part-time jobs do not offer coverage but offer sick leave, vacation time, and discounts.
  • Flexibility:The full-time job is not subject to change and it doesn’t allow freedom of operation. The full-time job may not allow engaging in other activities except for the work you have signed up for. Whereas the part-time job gives an advantage to its workers, they have the freedom of doing three jobs simultaneously without it affecting each other.
  • Job Security: The job of a part-time worker is not secured, this is because they do not benefit from the organization’s insurance policies and other health coverage. The organization can at any point lay you off. Whereas the full-time employees enjoy every benefit that they have. The job of a full-time employee is guaranteed except in the rear cases when an organization is carrying out a massive layoff.
  • Salary: The salary of a full-time job is usually paid at the end of the month while the part-time job may pay still every month end or per day depending on the agreement between the worker and the employers.

Benefits of A Full-Time Job

  • Bring About Professionalism: When a full time commits to his work and gains valid experience in his field, the organization will benefit from his expertise and knowledge. With this experience, they can deal with difficult and complex issues at work.
  • Productivity: The full-time job produces more because they have a longer period as well as being a permanent worker. Full-time jobs produce more results due to the long hours that are being invested.
  • Job Advancement Opportunities:As a full-time employee of an organization, you have the opportunity of getting promoted when you put in the effort to produce results
  • Work Schedule: Since the work schedule of a full-time employee is fixed, they would not have to bother themselves to check out the schedule, and also work schedule brings stability to the workplace 
  • Professional Relationship: Since this is a full-time job, it gives room for daily interactions among people of the same professional field which in turn fosters their working relationship. This health relationship is good business for the organization because they get to achieve maximum productivity.
  • Professional Training Opportunity: There is always an opportunity for full-time workers to advance themselves in their field. Most organizations organize training programs for their employees to develop their capacity.
  • Discount on Products: As a full-time worker the company gives you a discount on their products. For instance, if you work for a phone company they give you their gadgets at a subsidized rate.

Disadvantages Of Full-Time Job

  • Increased Stress: Full-Time job is quite demanding and stressful because of the long hours of work.
  • Difficulty Balancing Personal Life: Due to the long working schedule, employees find it difficult to balance work-life with personal life.

Conclusively, both these jobs are important for a person. But if you are a student and want some extra income or want to get experience before you start something on your own, then a part-time job is the right choice for you. You can do that whenever you are free from your school or during college hours. In that way, you can experience a whole new change in your life. It will be good for your resume as well because experience counts a lot when an organization is to decide who to give the job

Full-time jobs are good for people who want to support their families and are just graduated from a good college. Sometimes full-time jobs might require you to work extra hours, but it depends on the type of company you are working at.

Landing a job is not an easy task. You have to work hard for it. And when you get one don’t hesitate to join the work.

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