
Street Child Recruitment 2025

Street child is A nonprofit organization that helps children get an education in the world’s toughest places. 

It is located in Europe, Africa and Asia. With outlets in Nigeria, Nepal, the United Kingdom and Liberia.

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The founder of Street Child, Tom Dannatt, said that “with the world’s highest number of out of school children, Nigeria and other parts of the world make sense for Street Child.
  We have the capability to give these forgotten children, who have been through hell, hope for their futures, just like we did after Ebola in West Africa and the Nepal earthquake. We can help turn their lives around.”

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Street Child (NIGERIA FOCUS).

Approximately 1.3 million children have been forced to flee their homes from conflict in North-East Nigeria. Three million children can’t afford to go to school.

There are hundreds of children facing starvation every day, while many are struggling in temporary camps where diseases and hunger are rife. 

Conflict in North-East Nigeria has led to the active targeting of education. This has left millions of children now deprived of the chance to go to school. For example in Borno state, 3 in 5 schools are closed and over 19,000 teachers have been displaced from their classrooms. 

Education and emergency support is the major key to helping these children rebuild their lives, and assure them some hope for the future. 

In early 2017 Street Child launched its first program in Nigeria, aiming to support thousands of conflict-impacted children. 

What Street Child Does;

At the moment, street child is working to re-establish education for 23,000 children across North-East Nigeria by joining forces with the community to provide schools and installing child protection measures to make children feel safe and protected.

And developing infrastructures and the environment for a safe and inclusive return to education, also working to tackle some of the other barriers that children face in accessing schooling.

As a result of the crisis, thousands of families have lost their businesses, land, and livelihoods, so Street Child is providing micro-enterprise loans and mentoring to support mothers and caregivers to set up businesses so they can afford to feed, clothe, and educate their children.

Street Child Offers;

Child Protection

This is a serious concern in an emergency situation, particularly one characterized by the targeting and abduction of children. Street Child is being supported by the United Nations (through the Nigerian Humanitarian Fund) to build a sustainable response to these issues.

Child-Friendly Spaces are being set up to allow about 18,000 children to play, and receive counseling. This project is staffed by community volunteers who have been trained by street child counsellors and professional mental health staff.

Street Child also helps children reconnect with their families, and reintegrate into society if they have been associated with armed groups in the past.

A team of specialized Family Tracing and Reunification officers travel the country to find parents who may have been lost in turmoil. 

Family Empowerment 

Most families have lost so much during conflicts and cannot afford to feed themselves and their children properly. This leads to children being pulled out of school to support the family income or to fend for themselves.

In order to combat this act, Street Child provides over 300 vulnerable mothers and foster parents /caregivers with vocational skills and training in baking, sewing, and soap making – and business grants are given so they can set up sustainable businesses.

As part of the program, their children also receive school materials such as bags, uniforms and shoes as well as writing materials so that they return to school fully equipped for learning.

This has had immediate results – both foster parents/caregivers and mothers are able to save every week and afford adequate food and education for their children, and are committed to keeping their children in school.

Education in Emergencies 

Supported by UNICEF, Street Child and five local partners have constructed temporary learning centers across communities.

For some children, this is their first opportunity to enter a classroom in over three years. Street Child trains community volunteers to be classroom assistants at these centres and set up community committees for education.

Training on Education in Emergencies is also given to school teachers, so that they are better equipped to help children who have experienced trauma.

Elementary school classrooms damaged by on-going conflict get renovated, and stationeries, books, pens, and educational materials are provided to thousands of children, to encourage them to stay in school even in these incredibly challenging circumstances.

Recruitment Process and Information.

Interested volunteer graduates can apply to these departments;

  • Child Protection Department.
  • Finance and Administration (internship recruit) Department.
  • Volunteer Caregivers.
  • Foster Mother/Father’s.

Visit   www.street-child.co.uk 

On Twitter- @streetchilduk 

On Instagram – @streetchilduk 

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