
Housekeeper Duties | Job Description

Are you aware of a housekeeper duties? Whether you are applying for the post of a housekeeper or you are considering hiring a housekeeper, you should be aware of the duties of a housekeeper.

Nevertheless, As you go through this piece, you will find out all you need to know about a housekeeper duties and job description of a housekeeper.

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Who Is A Housekeeper?

Housekeeper Duties

A housekeeper is a person in charge of the cleaning and total maintenance of a place.

He/she ensures that the activities of the house go on smoothly without any challenges.

Housekeepers sometimes are responsible for the welfare of their employees’ kids or elderly dependents.

You cannot be a housekeeper without having some skills, continue reading this piece and find out the skills a housekeeper must possess.

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What are the Housekeeper Duties / Job Description?

One of the job descriptions of a housekeeper is to ensure that the home is kept tidy, organized, and clean at all times.

A housekeeper should know how to properly arrange dresses as well as ironing and launder cloths

Do you know that a housekeeper should know how to cook? Yes, cooking is one of the job descriptions of a housekeeper. As a housekeeper, you should know how to prepare delicious meals for the household you are working for.

Furthermore, A housekeeper should be ready to run errands for the house, in addition, to properly organizing the home.

Driving is also one of the key housekeeper duties. Most of the time you might be required to drop the kids at school or go grocery shopping for the house. How would you do all this effectively if you don’t know how to drive?

A housekeeper is in charge of maintenance men. You should be able to oversee their work at the house, to ensure that they properly do what they came for.

How can you be a housekeeper if you don’t love pets? Pet care is one of the major housekeeper duties. As a housekeeper, you should be able to care for your employer’s pet like it’s yours.

A housekeeper is expected to make regular inspections of the house and confirm that all areas of their employee’s house have met the cleaning standard.

Another housekeeper’s job description is to ensure that the house appliances and supplies are used properly.

In addition,  A housekeeper is also in charge of enrolling, managing, and training other members of the housekeeping crew 

Laundry is also one of the key housekeeping duties. you must keep the clothes of your employer clean as well as that of their kids too

A housekeeper should Ensure that all safety policies and procedures of the house are strictly adhered to by members of the household.

Again, As a housekeeper, it’s your duty to stock up the housekeeping trolley at the end of the week or month. This is subject to what you and your employer have discussed before.

A housekeeper must be strong enough to walk and climb ladders and stairs quickly.

You should be able to observe the appliances or equipment that need repair in the house. All of these damages should be reported to your employer as soon as you find out.

A housekeeper must be able to talk to guests in a friendly manner. You are expected to effectively handle all the issues and complaints guests may have.

A housekeeper must collect and properly dispose of the trash in the house.

A housekeeper should always stock up the lining room.

Finally, the housekeeper should ensure that all the furniture of the house is clean at all times.

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What Are The Skills Of A HouseKeeper?

Housekeeper Duties

The following are skills a housekeeper should possess.

1. Time Management Skills

Housekeepers most times work on their own and must complete some kind of cleaning every day.

Being able to properly manage Your time and draw your schedule is an important skill that is needed by a housekeeper.

You must always be punctual for appointments and finish cleaning the house in the scheduled time frame mapped out by your employer.

2. Attention To Detail.

You must pay attention to the activities of the house. From arranging the household items to cleaning and other activities you should always pay attention to details.

3. Communication Skills

You must always communicate with your employer, teammates, and supervisors.

Without proper communication, your employer would not be aware of certain things that should be done in the house

4. Caring.

A carefree housekeeper cannot oversee the affairs of the house properly. 

However, a housekeeper who is caring would take proper care of the house irrespective of the circumstances. You should care for your boss’ house the way you would care for your house.

5. Interpersonal Skills

As a housekeeper, you should be able to work hand in hand with other employees to enable the activities of the house to run smoothly. Teamwork, dependability, and responsibility are one of the interpersonal skills a housekeeper should possess

6. Flexibility.

As a housekeeper, you should be able to adapt to changes in work hours.

Sometimes you may be required to work late at night or very early in the morning. When applying for the post of a housekeeper you must keep this in mind.

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7. Customer Service.

Housekeepers must have solid customer service skills to be professional housekeepers.

Remember your work is based on the satisfaction of your employer, so Customer satisfaction should be your number one aim.

8. Trustworthiness.

Does your employer trust you? One of the key qualities of a housekeeper is trustworthiness.

Nobody would employ you if you are not trustworthy. Your employer should be able to leave his house in your care without being scared of having a missing item.


What Are The Typical Qualifications for Housekeeper Jobs?

Now that you are aware of the skills and housekeeper duties.

How about their qualifications? What qualifications do you need to be a housekeeper?

Let’s take a look at the qualifications of a housekeeper.

  • You must have a high school diploma.
  • You must have experience working as a housekeeper or customer care representative.
  • You must have a good attitude and be dedicated to your job.
  • A housekeeper must have good communication skills.
  • Furthermore, You must be able to work well without supervision.
  • You should be able to operate a computer system.
  • Finally, A housekeeper must pay Strict attention to his/her grooming.


Do you want to excel in your housekeeping career? Or have you been searching for the skills you need to be a professional housekeeper? If yes, then you should take note of everything you have read in this post. It will assist you in your housekeeping career.

As an Employer, you can also make these skills and duties part of the job description of a housekeeper, if you are looking forward to employing one soon.

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