Linkedin can be used in different ways, from connecting with coworkers, industries, acquaintances, and recruiters applying for jobs.
You can say that Linkedin is a hub of activities as you can take advantage of all its features, including LinkedIn Recommendations.
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What Are LinkedIn Referrals?
This is simply a way for your coworkers, colleagues, and contacts to recognize your skills and abilities in certain areas with just one click.
In addition, these referrals can elevate you from your position to a better position as long as you have something on the table to offer.
With these referrals, you can get an edge over others on LinkedIn competing for the same career path. For instance, if you have more referrals for a skill a recruiter is looking for, you will likely get more referrals.
What Is The Difference Between Linkedin Endorsement And Recommendations?
With these endorsements, contacts, and people you know can recommend the skill you have that is included in your profile with just a click.
On the other hand, a LinkedIn recommendation is a written testimonial joined to your profile by a contact who has taken the time to write why you are a professional that is worth working with.
Your profile is valued when people or your contact stand as a good referral. You must know that referrals and recommendations are necessary for a successful profile.
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How To Get More Endorsements On LinkedIn
There are ways with which you can get endorsements On LinkedIn and some of which are;
1. Mention Or List The Relevant Skills
It is important to think and reason like a salesperson. Think of the skills you possess that are relevant to your industry and your current job goal.
For you to get more endorsements, you will have to list these skills in their order of importance. With this type of plan, you will be able to promote the right talent.
When people check out your page and see the kind of numerous skills you possess, they will be eager and willing to sign deals with you.
2. Support fellow professionals
This is another important fact. You can start with your closest colleagues since you know them better and they are in a better space to reciprocate.
Support the skills you see that is demonstrated in your workplace with your colleagues, and they will give it back in return.
When you are done giving your support to your closest colleagues, you can move to support the skills of people you have met while on special functions work. Some of these persons could be clients, vendors, or freelancers.
3. Ask For Referrals On Linkedin.
This is one of the best techniques to use. You will need to ask for referrals if you want people to recognize your strength and skills.
The truth is you want to ask for referrals, but you do not want it to seem like you are begging for an insincere endorsement; in this case, what will you do?
Instead of sending many, please support me messages to people, check out some projects you have worked on with some people and tailor your request to them, noting the specific functions you had with them.
Remind them politely of your contributions in those jobs you did together and ask for comments on the new job in the form of skill endorsement. With this, you can easily get their support and get them to comment on your skills for more endorsements.
4. Create Updates And Link To Your Social Media Profiles
A blog is a great way to show off your skills and get more support and connections from people you barely know.
Using the Linkedin update feature, share your recent blog post, and always make changes to your profile. This will keep people abreast of how active you are.
Also, try to engage other users to connect with you. As we already know, many people are on the Linkedin app, but just a few regularly update their status and profiles.
If you take the app seriously and sometimes share insightful quotes and quality content related to the LinkedIn skills you’ve listed, you will stand a better chance of getting endorsed for the skills and interests you have.
5. Mind Your Manners
Thank you goes a long way in business, so do not forget to say thank you each time you receive any confirmation of support.
Unfortunately, many users are good at taking referrals from people, especially close friends and colleagues, for granted and never say thank you.
This is a rude attribute and can damage your good relationship with people and business partners. So always say thank you for your support on LinkedIn.
How to get more endorsements on Linkedin can be super easy if you follow the steps above. It is important you work to get endorsements and referrals as this will increase your Linkedin profile.
Getting more endorsements gives you a better chance at getting to meet new people that will be willing to work with you as well as increase your chances of being popular.
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