
Top 15 Entry-Level Interview Questions And How To Answer

If you’re looking for a job in your field, chances are good you’ll need to interview with potential employers. 

In comparison with other recruiting methods, entry-level interviews have a different format.

Do you want to know what entry-level job interview questions are, along with their corresponding responses?

Whether you’re applying online or on paper, preparing for an interview can be daunting. 

In this article, I’ll outline the top 15 entry-level interview questions and provide some tips on how to answer them. 

By being aware of these questions and practicing your responses, you can put yourself in a strong position for success. 

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How To Answer These Top 15 Entry-Level Interview Questions 

1. Tell Me About Yourself

Many job seekers are unsure of what to say during an entry-level interview.  Here is a helpful tip on how to answer the “Tell Me About Yourself” question: 

 Be prepared with a few standard answers to this question.  This includes describing your education and work experience, as well as highlighting any extracurricular activities or skills you possess. 

Avoid personalizing the answer too much. For example, don’t say “I’m a hard worker” if that isn’t really true for you. Instead, focus on demonstrating your qualities in specific ways. 

Tell the interviewer what skills and qualities you bring to the table that are unique to this position.

 Mention any education or experience you have that relates to the job description.Specify which jobs or positions you’ve held in the past and why you left them.

Make sure your answers sound genuine and reflect who you are as a person. If at any point during the interview you feel uncomfortable discussing your background or personality, politely end the conversation and find another opportunity to apply.

2. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

When it comes to the interview process, there are a few key things that you need to know and remember. One of those is your strengths and weaknesses. Interviewers want to know about your qualities that make you stand out from other candidates, so be sure to disclose them when asked. 

To answer this question, think about what makes you unique from other candidates and list as many as you can think of. 

Avoid using adjectives like “strong” or “weak”; these words do not accurately describe your capabilities. Instead, use specific examples of why you are good at what you do or how your skills have helped you achieve success in the past. 

Remember: honesty is key! If there are any areas where you feel uncomfortable discussing, don’t hesitate to tell the interviewer.

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3. Do You Have Any Part-time Work Experience? 

During an entry-level job interview, it is important to be able to answer the question “Do you have any part-time work experience?” This question can help the interviewer determine if you are a good fit for the position and whether you would be willing to work a flexible schedule.

 Here are some tips on how to answer this question: 

 First, make sure that you have included all of your relevant work experience on your resume. If you have been out of work for a while, consider participating in a job search program or interviewing with several employers. 

 Be honest about your part-time work experiences. Don’t try to downplay them or pretend that they were more meaningful than they were. 

Do not exaggerate your work experience. Instead, focus on describing specific tasks or responsibilities that you performed during your time working part-time.

However, don’t go into too much detail either simply state that you worked part-time at a particular company and what responsibilities you had.

4. Where Do You See Yourself In The Next Five Years?

To be successful in an entry-level position, you need to be able to answer the question “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” with ease.

This  question is one interviewers ask to gauge if your career plans are in tune with the organization’s

Here are a few tips on how to answer this question:

Be honest This is key! If you can’t see yourself succeeding in this position within the next five years, then it’s best to say so. 

Acknowledging your weaknesses will help you focus on developing other areas of your resume that may be more relevant for this role.

 Be realistic,  don’t give yourself too short a timeframe  if possible, try to imagine yourself in the position a couple of years down the line.

 This way, you’ll have a better idea of what steps need to be taken to reach your goals.

5. Tell Me About Your Educational Background

Education is important when looking for a job, but it’s not the only factor to consider. Here are a few tips on how to answer questions about your educational background during an entry-level interview. 

Let the interviewer know that you’re interested in their company and its mission. This will help you establish a rapport and increase your chances of being offered the job. 

Be honest about your education history. If you attended a non-traditional school or took some classes online, be sure to mention that information. It can give the interviewer an idea of your skills and knowledge base. 

Don’t forget to list any professional or volunteer experience you’ve had related to your field of study. This could include positions at a library, museum, or nonprofit organization.

6. Why Are You Interested In This Role?

This is another common question  during an entry interview though your answer to Why is the role of interest to you seems absurdly obvious . I’m drawn to this job because it’s a job. This answer proves both unprepared and unmotivated.

While answering this question, be strategic. List out your ambitions and presumptions, evaluate your abilities in light of the demands of the position, and be ready to justify why you chose this specific firm when applying. 

Be concrete about your targets and assumptions, discuss how you believe your capabilities match the needed qualifications for the position, and be ready to provide reasons for choosing this program.

7. Describe Your Internship Experience 

If you are applying for a job as an entry level employee, the best way to showcase your experience is to describe your internship. Here are some tips on how to answer this question: 

Specify what type of internship it was 

voluntarism or paid work? Describe the duties and responsibilities of the position did you lead or participate in any projects?

Tell  about the team or organization you worked with, and how involved you were in their operations? 

Always be honest – if something went wrong during your internship, mention it honestly but also explain what you learned from the experience. 

 Be specific  don’t generalize about your experience or try to make it sound more impressive than it was. Simply telling employers about what you did during your internship will be enough.  

8. How Has College/University Prepared You For This Role?

The ‘How has College/University prepared you for this role? question is very similar to the ‘tell me about your educational background’ question

Answering “How Has College University Prepared You For This Role?” in an entry level interview can be tricky because it is difficult to answer without sounding arrogant or unqualified. Here are some tips on how to answer this question: 

Start by saying that although you don’t have any experience in this role, the skills and knowledge you acquired during your time at college will translate well into this role. 

Talk about why attending college was important to you and what you learned while there.Describe the skills you learned in school and how the fit into the role you are interviewing for.

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9. What Was Your Favorite Subject?

If you’re applying for a job as an entry level employee, it’s important to know what your favorite subject was in school. This will help you show that you have the relevant skills and interests for the position. Here are some tips on how to answer this question: 

Talk about why your favorite subject was your favorite. Was it because you found it interesting? Did you enjoy the teacher’s style or approach?

Were the classes small, making relationships easy to form? Whatever the reason, share it with the interviewer. 

Avoid picking subjects that are too far removed from what is required for the position. 

10. How Will Those You’ve Worked With Describe You

When you’re interviewing for a job, it’s important to know how your previous co-workers will describe you. 

It is important to find balance, be honest but positive. Don’t try to downplay any mistakes that you may have made in the past  people can see through that kind of behavior quickly  but don’t dwell on them either.

 Be self-aware, take the time to assess how others perceive you and use that information to tailor your responses accordingly

 Avoid sounding arrogant or cocky these qualities can turn some people off from hiring you even if your skills are sound.

11. How Will You Handle A Looming Deadline?

In order to ace an entry level position, it is important to be able to answer the interviewer’s question, “How will you handle a looming deadline?” This question can come up in any interview, but is especially common in interviews for positions that require fast and accurate work. Here are some tips on how to answer this question: 

State your intentions clearly: When you are given a deadline, make sure that you understand what the company expects of you. 

Be clear about what steps you will take to meet the deadline, and be upfront about any difficulties that may arise. 

If there are any changes that need to be made to your schedule in order to meet the deadline, let your interviewer know as soon as possible. 

Set realistic goals: Don’t set yourself unrealistic expectations when it comes to meeting deadlines.

12. Describe A Time You Disagreed With a Colleague or Classmate

If you’ve ever found yourself at odds with a colleague or classmate, know that there’s no need to shy away from an entry level interview.

 In fact, it can be an excellent way to show your interviewer that you’re capable of working in a collaborative environment.

 Choose an event where you displayed good conflict resolution skills.  Describe what happened before, during, and after the disagreement. 

 Talk about the emotions you felt during and after the disagreement. Summarize your thoughts and conclusions about the disagreement. 

 Share any lessons you learned from the disagreement. Offer any advice for handling similar disagreements in the future.

13. What Are Your Hobbies? 

What are your hobbies?” While it might seem like a simple question, there is more to it than meets the eye. The  interviewer is trying to see your personality and know if it will fit in with the company culture

You may relate your hobbies to the job you are interviewing for and/or keep it generally light-heartedAlso, make sure you are passionate or at least knowledgeable about your chosen hobby.

14. Describe A Time When Your Work Was Publicly Criticized

If you are being interviewed for a job in which you will be working with the public, it is important to know how to answer the question, “describe a time when your work was publicly criticized.” 

The best way to do this is by discussing a time when you had to defend or explain your work in front of an audience.

Begin by explaining what the work is about. This will help people understand why it matters and why it may have been criticized. 

 Stay calm and articulate your points clearly. Don’t get defensive or emotional; this will only make things worse. 

Be prepared to answer any questions that are asked. Be prepared to explain yourself further, if needed. 

15. Describe A Time When You Managed A Project or People

In an entry level interview, you’ll be asked to describe a time when you managed a project or people. 

 Start by describing the situation and what your role was. Don’t focus on the outcome – focus on how you handled the situation. 

 Let your story flow. Don’t try to organize your thoughts into logical paragraphs 

let your story flow naturally from beginning to end. 

Use specific examples to illustrate your points. This will help demonstrate that you have real-world experience managing projects and people. 

Be positive, but don’t sugarcoat anything – tell the truth, but make sure it’s still professional enough for an entry level interviewer to want to hire you! 


In conclusion, you should have a good idea of how to answer common entry-level interview questions by now.

 Use this list as a starting point, but be ready to answer questions that are unique to your position or company. 

Finally, remember that you’re not expected to know everything instead, focus on demonstrating that you’re knowledgeable about the job and the company.

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