The UK’s vote to leave the European Union (EU) has left many companies scrambling to create a plan for cross-border hiring.
For years, the UK has been a gateway to Europe for companies looking to expand their operations into the continent.
With Brexit, that may no longer be the case. Here are a few tips for companies looking for remote cross-border hiring post-Brexit world:
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Useful Tips To Remote Cross-border Hiring Post-Brexit
1. Utilize rotations and temporary assignments.
A tax year is only allowed to be spent in the UK for a maximum of 180 days.
More than this, the person is deemed to have a UK domicile and is subject to UK tax laws. Companies are using this to have lawyers who work remotely spend a lot of time in the UK, and yearly temporary contracts or team swaps have become more typical.
Employers seeking to draw and keep the best personnel in a post-pandemic world may find the adaptability of such hiring tactics to be an attractive tactic.
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2. Be adaptable.
First, take advantage of the freedom that remote working affords.
Employers in the UK have long been drawn to candidates in the Swiss life science sector, the strong regulatory legal competence in Belgium, the French-speaking legal expertise of Parisian attorneys, and tech-savvy counsel in Berlin, among others.
Companies with headquarters in the UK have chosen to hire a remote workforce more frequently to continue hiring such talent after Brexit.
After all, in a post-pandemic world, a modern workforce is remote.
In recent months, one method for making it easier to hire people from abroad has been to use affiliates as the domicile for employment contracts.
What alternatives are available, though, because not all businesses can afford this network?
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3. Adjust your approach to your team’s demands.
There is no reason to judge people who are unable to relocate for familial or other personal reasons when it comes to moving.
Companies frequently view candidates’ willingness to relocate despite political and social climates as a promising sign of their dedication to the position, but alternative options like weekly commuting are less feasible now.
Both employers and employees should be more receptive than before to short-term rotations or a hybrid arrangement.
Employers seeking to gain an advantage in the post-Brexit talent war in Europe should, in short, look far and wide, get inventive with relocation techniques, and be cognizant of a candidate’s working choices, including their location.
Employers will benefit from these tactics by having a dedicated, loyal team.
4. It’s critical for tiny businesses to use creativity.
It is regrettable, however, that the majority of possible choices fall short for smaller start-ups or less established firms that lack affiliates or sub-entities headquartered in foreign markets or who are based in areas without an abundance of applicants who are qualified to work in the UK.
In any situation, but especially for smaller businesses, a company’s ability to ingeniously persuade people to relocate is key to recruiting the best candidate (rather than the pool of available talent) and circumventing the limits imposed by new immigration policies.
Regardless of firm size, those with strong and creative HR teams that work with tax and legal stakeholders to generate opportunities have succeeded in recent hiring initiatives.
When offered the chance and handsomely compensated for moving, top personnel feels respected, rewarded, and 6motivated.
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5. Use a recruitment agency
Find one that has experience in cross-border hiring. They will be able to help you navigate the complexities of the process and find the best candidates for your role.
6. Make sure you are aware of the different visa requirements for workers in different European countries.
The recruitment agency can help you with this, but it is important to have a general understanding of what is required.
7. Be patient
Be prepared for delays caused by increased bureaucracy and red tape post-Brexit.
The recruitment process may take longer than usual, so be patient and allow plenty of time for it to happen.
8. Incorporate video interviews
Incorporate video interviews into your recruitment process. This will help you get a better sense of the candidate’s personality and cultural fit.
9. Use technology to help with communication.
there are ways to use technology to help smooth the process of remote cross-border hiring.
Communication tools like Skype or Zoom can help with video conferencing and collaboration, and online databases like LinkedIn can help you connect with potential candidates from all over the world.
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10. Have a plan.
The uncertainty around Post-Brexit makes it difficult to predict exactly how things will play out, so it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your cross-border hires and how they will fit into your overall business strategy.
Despite Post-Brexit, cross-border hiring is still a viable option for many businesses. By following these tips, you can make the process smoother and less risky for everyone involved.