With Covid-19 and the need to maintain social distancing, companies had to adapt to a new interview method without prospects coming to the company.
This gave rise to many virtual meeting applications, including; zoom, google meet, live storm, etc.
These applications helped solve the issue of conducting interviews for companies, and now, companies can conduct interviews with prospects anywhere in the world, thereby saving time and resources.
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What Is Zoom Interview
Zoom interview is organized by organizations for recruits on a software/mobile application called Zoom.
It is a video calling application like skype, which helps recruiters have interviews from any part of the world.
It has other features like; a chat box, screen sharing, video recording, and a mute button. All these features help the users, who are, in this case, recruiters, conduct successful interviews.
Zoom Interview Tips To Help Prepare And Get Hired
Before you attempt attending a Zoom interview, you need to take note of these helpful tips. These will not only help you nail the interview, but they will also help get you hired.
1. Familiarize Yourself With The Zoom App
Many prospects make the mistake of downloading the Zoom application a few minutes before their interview.
This needs to be corrected; to ace your interview and get hired by your recruiter, you must familiarize yourself with the Zoom application.
Download the application on your phone or laptop, whatever suits you, do this days before your interview. This gives you ample time to familiarize yourself with most of the app’s features.
During your practice session, take note of the following features; audio, video, chat box, and mute button, and how they function.
2. Set Up Your Interview Area
This interview should be taken as seriously as a physical interview. Don’t think because it’s a virtual interview, you can do it in any corner of your house; this shows your recruiter that you lack proper coordination.
Before your interview time, look for a serene place in your house. A place with little or no distraction, good lighting, good internet connection, and a nice background. Your background should be professional, and it is advisable to use a plain background.
3. Avoid Distractions
Recruits make the mistake of leaving their phone notifications on, which could distract you during your interview session. It could also distort your audio connection during your interview.
Before your interview starts, ensure your phone is silent, and your notifications have been turned off. A few minutes without receiving notifications will not bite.
Ensure you inform whoever is with you during your interview to avoid your interview area.
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4. Be Punctual
Recruits think they could join any time because it’s a virtual interview. It is a professional activity and should be treated as one, and you must show up a few minutes before your interview time.
Your recruiter will most likely be using the same zoom link for multiple recruits, don’t join too early to avoid interrupting the ongoing interview.
It is advised you join 2-3 minutes before the scheduled time, no sooner and no later.
5. Watch Your Body Language
Remember, during the interview, your interviewer can see your face, and they will notice any slight change in your facial expression or body movements.
It is important you maintain bold and composed body language during your interview. Avoid making facial expressions that could depict anything other than a bold, composed, and happy countenance.
Don’t forget to smile and give nods at intervals during your interview.
6. Speak Clearly
To be able to answer as many questions within a short interview time, recruits make the mistake of rushing their words.
While this is good, the disadvantage is that you are at risk of your recruiters not getting your answers. This could influence their decision in picking you for the job.
As much as you want to pour out your knowledge, speak as clearly as possible and state the important points first. Remember Quality over Quantity.
7. Look Into The Camera
As you would in a physical interview, try your best to look directly into the camera during your interview. This shows your recruiter that you are fully engaged in the interview.
When you look directly at the camera, it shows your confidence and professionalism. Avoid your eyes from wandering even when you are tired.
8. Keep Your Device Fully Charged
Before your interview, make sure your devices are fully charged. If possible, get a backup power source in case of a power outage, and the meeting extends more than expected.
Avoid having your device run out of battery because it could affect your network connection and show a lack of professionalism to your recruiter.
9. Check Your Outfit
Remember the saying, ‘you are addressed by the way you dress.’ Your dress plays an important role in deciding whether you will get hired. As you would a physical interview, pick out a professional outfit for your Zoom interview.
Don’t wear that worn-out polo in your wardrobe; avoid putting on a sleeveless shirt, pack your hair up properly, and tune down on your accessories.
10. Don’t Forget the Mute Button
Familiarize yourself with the mute button; this feature will come in handy during your interview. Use this feature when there is an unexpected noise in your interview area.
You could also use it when your recruiter is talking for a long time; this will help stop distractions from interrupting him while he is talking.
11. Research your Recruiter
Many of us just rush to submit our CV’s without proper research on your recruiter. The interview is a second chance for you to do proper research about your recruiter.
Take time before your scheduled date to research your recruiter, what the company is about, and your role.
If you’re lucky enough to know the person in charge of your interview, research the person’s likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. This added information will give you an edge over other candidates.
12. Ask Questions
Your Zoom conversation works both ways. It’s not just about the interviewer learning more about you; it is also an opportunity to ask about things you need information about.
When preparing for your Zoom interview, make a list of potential questions to ask. Get inspiration from your research and think about what you want to know.
Asking questions pays off, providing more clarity on your end and helping you determine if this job is something you want to do. More importantly, it looks good from a recruiting standpoint.
13. Call When Someone Hangs Up
Connections can falter, and people can drop out. This is the reality of working over the internet.
Even with blistering speeds and general reliability, things aren’t always smooth sailing. The problem with fast dropouts is that the person speaking cannot know it has happened.
They understand the unique challenges of a Zoom interview. It is better to ask for clarification now than to misinterpret something later.
14. Join The Zoom Call At The Right Time
This is a Zoom interview tip that many job seekers don’t know about. Whether you’re speaking one-on-one or participating in a panel-style call, never jump into a conversation too early.
Zoom creates digital rooms for users to conduct video chats. In some cases, interviewers will use one room to conduct multiple meetings.
Joining the call too early could mean entering a real-time conversation with another person. It’s like barging into a physical office during a private meeting.
Be on time, but wait about two or three minutes before your scheduled interview to join the call. If the previous candidate is still there talking to the interviewer, leave the room to ensure privacy.
15. Send A Thank You Email
Send a thank you email shortly after the interview. It’s polite and might be what gets you over the line.
Give specific details about your conversation with the interviewer to jog their memory. Then thank them for their time and reiterate your interest in the role.
16. Test Your Technique
Reduce technical difficulties by testing your setup in advance using the same platform, internet connection, and hardware you will use for the interview.
Familiarize yourself with the program and ensure you know the basics, especially how to mute and unmute the microphone.
17. Set Up Your Shot
Make sure you make a good impression with your physical shot. Choose a quiet place and stand before a neutral background, a blank wall, or a room without distracting clutter or decorations.
Ensure you are well-lit with the light source behind the computer or phone, not behind you.
If you have difficulty finding an area in your home with good natural lighting, you should consider investing in a circular selfie light that fits.
18. Don’t Sit Too Far Or Too Close
Just as you wouldn’t sit too inappropriately with your interviewer, you do not want to sit awkwardly from your computer.
When you’re setting up your chair, you will want to ensure you don’t look too tiny or too big.
19. Start With A Digital Handshake
When you’re interviewing in person, there are times when the interview has started but hasn’t started.
You and your interviewer will physically meet, shake hands, enter the room, and sit down.
Even if you’re not talking, it’s still time to settle down. That’s not always the case with a video interview, so you have to focus on making that initial connection even more than usual, says Eonnet.
Try the “digital handshake,” he says. After you say hello, “look directly into the camera to establish a connection, give a small nod, and add a smile that conveys warmth and openness.”
20. Acknowledge The Differences
At this point, it’s okay to mention that a video interview differs from an in-person interview.
Don’t be afraid to say if something bothers you – for example, you can’t hear or see your interviewer well. This shows you are willing to speak openly and directly about the issues.
Can You Get Hired From A Zoom Interview?
As companies continue to pause in-person operations or opt for remote-first structures, more employees are getting hired after interviewing on video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.
How Do You Say Hello In A Zoom Interview?
You can say “Hi” or “Hello.” You can add “Nice to meet you.” You can also add names to these if you want: “Hi Jennifer,” “Hello Jennifer,” or “Nice to meet you, Jennifer.” If you want to be more formal (which you should be with your interviewer), you can say, “Ms.
Where Do I Look During The Zoom Interview?
Look directly into the camera other than your computer screen. Looking anywhere else makes it seem like you’re paying attention to someone or something else. Hide your “self-view” to resist the temptation to check yourself out.
What Is The Best Answer To Tell Me About Yourself?
It should describe your current situation, past job experience, why you are a good fit for the role, and how you align with the company values. You can talk about your current position and a big accomplishment or positive feedback you got.
How Do You Greet At The End Of An Interview?
Pleased/nice/glad to meet you. Pleased/nice/glad to meet you. Hello. If you have met before (at a job fair, for example), the interviewer may greet you with “How are you?” A suitable response is “Fine, thanks.” or “Very well, thanks.”
Why Should You Hire Me?
The first thing you should do when answering “why should we hire you?” is highlight any relevant skills and professional experience to the position you’re applying for. To make your answer all the more valid, always back up everything you say with examples, experiences, and achievements.
Can I Use Aids During A Video Interview?
Having information in front of you for a Zoom interview might be tempting. But be careful. You can have only a few quick notes before you, glancing at them sparingly.
Can I Look At Notes During A Zoom Interview?
Zoom interviews provide you with the opportunity to refer to notes. Write down important points and questions.
These notes can help cue you to stay focused and on task while you’re interviewing.
Is It Bad To Look At Notes During A Zoom Interview?
You can use notes in a video interview, provided you only occasionally refer to them. Because communication is sometimes more challenging in remote interviews, it’s more important to make sure that you can focus on the conversation and the interviewer.
What Is The Best Background For A Zoom Interview?
A simple white backdrop. It’s a classic choice that always looks clean and professional. It’s also perfect for any interview setting, whether in an office or your own home.
We hope these zoom interview tips has proved helpful and will help you get hired for that job you aspire for. Good luck.