What Is The Most Heinous Act You’ve Ever Gotten Away With? – When interviewers use trick questions like these, they’re looking to determine if you can “think on your feet” when under pressure. Can you keep your cool while straddling the line between talking too much and saying too little?
Unlike many trick questions, where there is no right or wrong response, you must carefully consider the example you select to share with the interviewer to avoid stating something that may be seen poorly.
Although this is an unusual interview question, some companies use it to gain a better understanding of your personality and if you would fit in with the firm. An employer may also question this to ensure that you haven’t done something that would raise a red flag for the position.
One of those perplexing interview questions. You don’t want to claim that you’ve never gotten away with anything since no one is flawless.
On the other side, you don’t want your “worst thing” to be anything really heinous, such as unlawful, immoral, or cruel behavior.
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How To Answer – “What Is The Most Heinous Act You’ve Ever Gotten Away With?”
One approach to respond is to keep your remark light-hearted. You might, for example, offer an example of something little you got away with involving your parents, siblings, or school (staying out late, pulling a prank, etc.).
You may alternatively answer the question by giving an example of the “greatest” thing you got away with. You might say, for example, that you did a good act for a buddy and he or she had no idea it was you. You don’t want to come out as flawless, so finish with a brief, humorous example of something more nefarious that you got away with.
Spend Your Time: When it comes to difficult questions, it’s OK to take a few moments to consider your response. Then, in a nutshell, be honest so that you are addressing the question, but not in such a manner that the interviewer will not want to hire you.
Maintain an Upbeat Tone: Keep your response – and tone – as positive as possible. Your interviewers are mostly interested in how you answer, as well as the poise and attitude with which you do so.
Be humourous a little: If you can, try to use humor to “excuse” behavior that might be construed as negative. If you go this route, though, make sure that your tone is not sarcastic. Be wise and careful.
Use the STAR technique: In your answer, describe a past situation, the task (or challenge) involved, the action you took, and the result of this decision.
“What Is The Most Heinous Act You’ve Ever Gotten Away With?” Sample Answer
Sample Answer 1
“Before I burned out, I worked at a business like this for six years. People were expected to be absent for family events like births, graduations, and birthdays unless they were a favorite of course, and vacations were canceled at the whim of management. I gained some valuable experience, but the price was a little too high.”
Sample Answer 2
“Even as a teenager, I was never much of a troublemaker. The craziest thing I’ve ever gotten away with was a college prank that I helped organize and plan. In every classroom, we turned all of the desks upside-down. Although I believe my pranking days are past, I enjoy having fun, great connections with my coworkers.”
Sample Answer 3
“My buddies and I used to make trash diving into an art form while we were in college, especially towards the end of the year when money was scarce. We didn’t want to explain anything to our parents. how we’d run out of money for food So we’d raid the dumpsters of posh grocery stores at midnight, stocking up on expired canned goods and somewhat wilted vegetables. We rationalized our actions to ourselves by claiming that we were simply helping to decrease landfills and rescue the environment. It wasn’t the brightest move, but none of us was bitten by a rat, tetanus, or food poisoning as a result.”
Sample Answer 4
In college, the worst thing I got away with was skipping class the week before midterms and final examinations. I often felt that studying the class contents alone at home or with a study group in the library was a better use of my time than sitting in the classroom, especially in big, 400-student lecture sessions where attendance was not required. I usually set things up with a group of study partners such that one of us would go to the lecture, take good notes, and share them with the rest of the group. Over the course of the semester, we swapped note-taking responsibilities among group members, giving everyone more time to study for the examinations.
Sharing instances of extremely faulty behavior is not a good idea. Avoid making any references to circumstances you know are morally or ethically incorrect, such as cheating on a test, disobeying the law, or indulging in behaviors that are detrimental to yourself or others.
Don’t just stay idle doing nothing. While you don’t want to reveal too much about a prior transgression to an interviewer, you also don’t want to completely dodge the topic by professing perfection. Instead, pick a harmless, everyday incident in which you got away with something, accept responsibility, and share the lesson you learned.
Avoid red flags. Choose a non-serious example of behavior when asked about “the worst thing you’ve gotten away with.” Don’t discuss anything that could raise an employer’s suspicions about your professional honesty.
Twist the question. Try rephrasing the question to make it about the “largest” or “greatest” thing you’ve gotten away with instead of the “worst” thing you’ve gotten away with.
Review the examples of answers. Create your own. If you’ve thought about the question ahead of time, you’ll be able to reply correctly and confidently if it comes up in an interview.