The General Aptitude Test (GAT) is a test designed for employees and also students who want to continue their education at a higher level. However, it assesses numerous components of the educational process, including an employee’s analytical and reasoning abilities. The examination is divided into two sections: verbal (language-related) and quantitative (mathematic).
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What Is General Aptitude Test
General Aptitude Test assesses analytical and deductive abilities. It focuses on measuring overall learning capacity rather than any specific competence in a certain area or topic.
The weight assigned to General AptitudeTest as an entry requirement differs per job. However, It normally varies between 30% and 40%.
This exam is designed to assess an employee’s analytical and reasoning abilities. It focuses on assessing an employee’s general aptitude by measuring the following:
- Ability to read comprehension
- The capability of recognizing logical relationships
- Being able to answer difficulties using fundamental mathematical ideas
- Capacity to infer
- Assessing ability
Aptitude Tests Questions
The general aptitude test is broken into two sections: verbal and quantitative.
1. Verbal section
The following are included in the spoken part.
- Comprehension of reading:
- Completing the sentence:
Capability to use both
Both logical and analytical skills to fill in missing portions of short texts to create entire coherent phrases.
Ability to read, interpret, and also evaluate texts by answering questions depending on their content.
- Analogy in words:
Ability to detect the matching pair by comparing a pair of words supplied at the start of the test item to a collection of pairs given in the choices.
- Error in context:
Understanding the broad meaning of a statement and then identifying the word whose meaning is inconsistent with the context of the overall meaning.
- Relationship and distinction:
Understanding the relationship that connects three options and determining the different decisions, or identifying the most important relationship from the offered alternatives that can be related to the start of the test item.
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2. Quantitative Section
The quantitative component of the general aptitude test, which comprises test-appropriate mathematics tasks based on high school major (science/arts). It focuses on the evaluation, inference, and also problem-solving abilities and requires just fundamental knowledge. The test items for the science major are split as follows:
- Arithmetic questions account for 36% of all questions.
- 18% of the questions were about geometry.
- 10% of the questions in algebra are algebraic.
- 18% of the questions were statistical and analytical.
- Comparison questions account for 18% of all questions.
However, the examination comprises topics on fundamental arithmetic, geometry, and mathematical analysis for students majoring in the arts. The proportion of such elements is smaller than in the science major.
3. Spacial Ability Section
The spatial ability test assesses your ability to manage two-dimensional forms or visualize three-dimensional items given as two-dimensional visuals.
Spatial ability is necessary for manufacturing, technical, and design industries that involve plans and drawings, such as engineering, architecture, surveying, and design.
It is also useful in several fields of study where the capacity to see the interactions of three-dimensional components is required.
Questions about spatial ability frequently include the visual construction and also the disassembly of items that have been rotated or viewed from different angles, or items with various marks on their surfaces.
4. Abstract And Diagrammatic Reasoning Section
Abstract reasoning and diagrammatic reasoning test assess your ability to discover the underlying logic of a pattern and then solve it.
However, the capacity to think abstractly is thought to be the strongest predictor of intelligence.
These exams are especially useful when hiring for technical positions that require working with abstract ideas or concepts.
However, because they are the best assessment of your overall intellectual capacity, you will almost always find some questions of this sort in whatever examinations you are given.
5. Clerical Aptitude Section
Clerical aptitude and concentration tests are used to assess both concentration and accuracy.
These test are often graded based on both speed and accuracy.
However, they are most commonly utilized for hiring for administrative and clerical positions where errors might have major or costly implications.
Financial services, legal services, and also healthcare are examples of this.
6. Mechanical Reasoning Section
Mechanical reasoning tests are intended to measure your understanding of physical and mechanical principles such as pulleys, levers, rudimentary electrical circuits, and so on.
To answer these questions, no specialized expertise is necessary; simply a basic comprehension of the fundamentals is necessary.
Mechanical reasoning problems are used to choose candidates for a variety of vocations, including the military (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), police forces, fire departments, and numerous craft, technical, and also engineering vocations.
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Genral Practice Aptitude Tests
Examples Of Quantitative Tests
1. A Square shaped wooden plate has a diagonal length of 30cm. Can you find the Perimeter of the plate?
a. 120 cm
b. 60 cm
c. 45 cm
d. 60
e. None of These
2. Evaluate the expression: 2 + 5 * 6 – 7 * 8 / 4 + 6
a. 22
b. 21
c. 23
d. 24
e. None of the above
3. There were 12 students in a particular class. The class teacher knows the overall height of all the students in the class is 2000. Can you find the average height of students in the class?
b. 122.5
c. 166.67
d. 128.34
e. None of these
4. Can you find the approximate value for the following expression:
29.8% of 260 + 60.01% of 510 − 103.57 = ?
a. 450
b. 320
c. 210
d. 280
e. 350
5. Find the next number in the below series
23, 38, 56, 77, _____
a. 100
b. 101
c. 102
d. 99
e. None of these
Examples of Verbal Tests
In the following questions there is a pair of capitalized words followed by four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the pair of words whose relationship is most similar to that expressed by the capitalized pair and mark your choice.
a. feather : bird
b. wax : crayon
c. button : hole
d. cup : saucer
a. elaborate : complete
b. costly : expensive
c. cheap : gross
d. tall : long
Directions for Q. 3 to Q. 5: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the SIMILAR meaning of the given word.
a. Brief
b. Expand
c. Elaborate
d. None
a. Compliance
b. Conforming
c. Counteraction
d. Submission
a. Inappropriate
b. Significant
c. Irrelevant
d. Unsuitable
Some trial questions appear in both the verbal and quantitative sections, although they do not contribute to the final score.
In all examination sections, questions rotate between verbal and quantitative types. Each section has a 25-minute time limit.
The number of objects, sections, portions and time length are all fixed in all tests. Items, on the other hand, vary, although the same difficulty threshold is maintained. Exam scores are compared to those of past exams to confirm the validity and reliability of the test.
In each part, questions are grouped in descending order of difficulty, from simplest to most difficult. However, employees should answer questions quickly enough to cover them all within the time constraints.
However, no question should go unanswered by an employee. When answering questions, one approach that can be used is guessing by elimination.