
How To Ask For More Money The Right Way

Millions of workers out there are usually scared of asking their bosses for increment in their salaries and this could be out of two reasons; you don’t know your worth or not rendering value to the company you work for or perhaps maybe you’re scared you’d be asked because you think your boss might get it in another way.

Truth is before you should think of asking for more money from your employer, you should first ask yourself if you’re adding value to your workplace. 

Ensure that you’ve been very outstanding in your character, service and lots of other important things related to your work because these are the things that should sum of your boldness to ask for more money from your employer.

Want to Know more about how you can ask for more money from your employer? Read on!

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Step by Step Guide On How To Ask For More Money From Your Employer

The simple step-by-step instructions you can use to prepare to ask your employer for more money are provided below.

1. Determine The Right Time To Ask

You should carefully consider your time before approaching your employer when you feel like you need more money. You must ascertain whether the company’s finances are sound enough to support the request you are about to make.

The time to request a raise is not now if the business is struggling. You might be aware of the company’s financial situation as an employee.

Watch out for red flags like spending reductions or job cuts. Look for stories about your company or sector in the news. Look over financial information and conduct company research.

Even if the company’s finances are in good shape, this information will help you when you speak with your boss.

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2. Determine Your Accomplishment And Value To The company

It’s a good idea to consider your most recent accomplishments when you ask for a raise from your company.

Have you just accomplished a noteworthy feat or surpassed a significant objective? Asking for a raise at this time can be a good idea.

carefully write down the specifics of the accomplishment(s) you intend to bring up in your discussion. Your management might be aware of your work in general, but they might not be aware of just how impressive it was.

3. Do Some Research On Salary Trends

You might be thinking at this point how much of a raise you ought to ask for.

Market value exists for every employment. Typically, this value falls within a range. Visit Indeed Salaries and enter your work title to find out the salary range for your position.

Over 450 million data points were used to generate this pay statistics. For your job title, you can view the national wage trend.

The state or metropolitan region where you work can then be selected to obtain a pay rate that is suitable for your city.

You will have a basis for understanding the monetary value of your labor by knowing about the trend for your job title and your city.

4. Reflect On All Your Qualifications

Take into account your degree, years of experience, time spent working for your current employer, and any specialized abilities or qualities you can provide.

All of these improve your capacity to accomplish the task, adding value. In a perfect world, your employer would consider these when deciding how much to pay you.

Create a list of your achievements.

Keep a specific note of which ones benefited the organization the most.

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5. Set Up A Meeting With Your Employer

The best way to request more money is face-to-face and privately. If you and your manager are not in the same place, try to have the talk through video call.

Never ask for a raise without first scheduling an appointment. A room with a closed door is the ideal location.

Avoid talking about it in public parts of the office, such as the kitchen or corridor. Avoid asking for a raise in an email if at all possible.

6. Prepare what To Say And Rehearse Your Script

You should plan what you’re going to say to your supervisor before your meeting and make sure your tone is appropriate.

Recognizing that worry and anxiety are common when talking about money might be useful as you get ready.

One method to deal with those emotions is to write and practice a script. You’ll be able to follow it even when you’re frightened if you practice it enough. Focus on the professional rather than the personal justifications for your promotion throughout your narrative.

7. Be Ready For Questions

You should anticipate that your boss will carefully evaluate your request if you are in a favorable situation and can provide proof that you deserve to be paid more.

They may follow up with additional inquiries, such as to learn more about the specifics of your most recent successes or the salary research you’ve done.

Additionally, you should anticipate some negotiating. Pay close attention to the way your manager handles your request. Return to your evidence to support your position if you ever feel frightened.

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8. Thank Your Manager

No matter how the conversation turned out, be sure to thank your manager for their time. Send them a follow-up email later that day or the next day that summarizes your justifications for asking for a raise and offers a synopsis of your conversation.


Lack of self-esteem, unwillingness to deviate from cultural standards, worry about coming across as mercenary, or fear of rejection are just a few of the reasons why people feel uncomfortable discussing money.

But it’s important to keep in mind that receiving a fair wage is a fundamental right and also makes good business sense.

If done correctly, using your negotiation talents to exhibit business acumen will impress your supervisor.

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