
How To Get Unlimited Inmails On Linkedin | 2025 Free Guide

What are Inmails, and how are they connected to LinkedIn? Why do you need to get unlimited Inmails on Linkedin?

Well, this and how to get Unlimited Inmails on LinkedIn, along with other subsidiary concerns, will be discussed in this article.

Linkedin, unlike other social media platforms like Facebook and other instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, is a primary and professional social media platform where users get jobs and maintain a professional profile. The Interaction that goes on with others is also professional.

Inmails on LinkedIn are shorthand for establishing relationships on Linkedin. You usually have to send a connection request.

If your request is accepted, you can message them at any time. Still, InMail lets you message them directly without requiring a connection. They are only available on paid accounts.

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Inmails On LinkedIn

Inmails are messages you can send outside your networks, such as recruiters contacting prospective employees or companies looking for candidates to fill vacancies.

Inmails are a great way to reach out to people who might not be in your network but who might have useful information for you.

In an Inmail, you can send messages directly to people outside of your network who have been added as contacts or who have Liked your page on LinkedIn.

You can also contact people who aren’t in your network and have Liked their pages on LinkedIn.

You may wonder what the difference between adding someone as a contact vs. liking them is.

When you add a contact, they will receive an email from LinkedIn saying they are now part of our system and can see all new notifications coming through.

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How It Works

How do emails work on LinkedIn? InMail is included with your paid LinkedIn subscription. It’s the option to send a mail to anyone with whom you are or are not connected on LinkedIn.

These InMails are used when recruiters reach out to prospects or when you reach out to a recruiter/job poster you are not connected to.

You are then given credits based on your subscription type. You can find the number of available credits at the top of your account.

The first thing to know about InMails is that they are a paid service. If you do not have access to the basic account, then you will need to upgrade your account for it to work properly.

The basic account has all the basic features of LinkedIn and can be used by anyone who wants to send messages or share content with their network. However, there are some limitations involved with this option as well:

  • Only allows users within their network or those who are invited
  • It cannot send messages outside of its network

How Many Inmails Are Allowed On Linkedin?

If you choose LinkedIn premium, you will be able to send 5 InMails per month. With a LinkedIn Sales Navigator Professional account, the number of credits is 20. 

LinkedIn has set a limit of 1,000 InMails per day and location. Additionally, they have a limit of 200 InMails in the first calendar week per newly created position.

  • Sales Navigator Pro: 10 to 15
  • Sales Navigator Team: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Lite: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Professional Services: 50 to 100
  • Corporate Recruitment: 50 to 150
  • Shop: 3 to 5
  • Premium Business: 10 to 15
  • Leader: 25 to 30
  • Sales Navigator Basic: 5 to 8

LinkedIn Inmails Limit

Depending on your subscription, this is a list of how many Inmails you can send:

  • Shop: 3 to 5
  • Premium Business: 10 to 15
  • Leader: 25 to 30
  • Sales Navigator Basic: 5 to 8
  • Sales Navigator Pro: 10 to 15
  • Sales Navigator Team: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Lite: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Professional Services: 50 to 100
  • Corporate Recruitment: 50 to 150
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How To Get Unlimited Inmails On Linkedin 

Have you heard about the LinkedIn Sales Hack that teaches how to get unlimited Inmails on Linkedin?

Some tools can help you send messages to your contacts, but we don’t recommend using them because they put your profile at risk of suspension. Sending all messages at once will also block your account.

When you connect with someone else before sending a request, you can include a note that doubles as a personalized message. 

If we keep this in mind, we can send unlimited messages. In addition, the new InMail policy also allows you to receive unlimited messages.

However, you will need a 100% response rate for this. If you can get a high response rate, it’s still possible that you can get free InMails.

Some Linkedin users have found it useful and helpful to get LinkedIn Premium because it solves some debates about email and unlimited messaging.

How Many Emails Can I Send On Linkedin Premium?

How many Inmails can someone send? It depends on the subscription they own.

Depending on your subscription plan, this is a list of how many Inmails you can send:

  • Shop: 3 to 5
  • Premium Business: 10 to 15
  • Leader: 25 to 30
  • Sales Navigator Basic: 5 to 8
  • Sales Navigator Pro: 10 to 15
  • Sales Navigator Team: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Lite: 25 to 30
  • Recruiter Professional Services: 50 to 100
  • Corporate Recruitment: 50 to 150


Can I Send Messages On Linkedin Without Using Inmails?

You can message people on LinkedIn without needing InMails or a premium account. There are several ways to achieve this:

  • Scroll for the profiles with “open profiles” that allow you to email them for free without using credits.
  • Join a group with no connection, and then you can send a message to this person for free through the group. You are allowed 15 free messages per month. Click on the member tab in the group you belong to. Under most members’ profiles, you will notice “Send Message” as one of the options.
  • You send a connection request first and then message them when they accept.
  • Some software tools will help you see if they have opened a mail, sent requests, or even looked for a valid email and go that route. The salesflow software, expand, and skylead are some popular ones.
  • You can go the paid advertising route and set up an ad campaign, target your group and run a paid email campaign with them.

What Is The Difference Between Messaging And Inmails On Linkedin?

Messaging on LinkedIn costs nothing to send. You can send it to a connection or a person who has invited you, to whom you are not yet connected) or to a person who is a member of the same LinkedIn Group.

An InMail, on the other hand, might cost more and might require a premium account for full functions. You will need to have a paid Premium membership if you are the sender.


As explained above, Inmails are messages that you can send outside of your networks, such as recruiters contacting prospective employees or companies looking for candidates to fill vacancies.

We believe you have come to understand how to get unlimited Inmails on LinkedIn. Depending on how you plan to use it, feel free to share this article.

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