Wegmans has taken it upon itself to be the best place where customers can shop at their convenience. Not just for customers but also for its employees.
Working here is not like t other supermarkets because you have to give in your best for customer satisfaction.
Wegmans is a family-owned retail shop, and it is famous for its high standards and quality way of attending to its customers.
They offer one of the best benefits and opportunities for their employees. If you are considering being a team member at Wegmans, you will want to know the Wegmans hiring process for drug testing.
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Does Wegman Drug Test Applicants For Retail Positions?
You will be asked to take a drug test if you are seeking to apply for any position in Wegmans. So as an applicant, expect a drug test.
Wegmans has taken it upon themselves to always have a healthy workforce which is the essence of the whole drug test.
Once you are part of the Wegmans team, they have several free subsidized health and wellness initiatives that you can take advantage of.
As we know, your workforce can only be productive with a healthy workforce. Wegmans believe that the productivity of the shop depends on the workforce issued out by the employees.
The employees’ productivity will determine the profit recovered, so it’s no surprise that a retailer doesn’t want to hire workers with substance abuse issues.
In 2008, Wegmans stopped the sale of tobacco products in their stores. This is because they take good health seriously and will not want to promote bad health by selling things that will lead to it.
In Wegmans, all applicants must undergo the drug test, not just the full-time employees or staff. This drug test is taken after you have passed the interview process and get an accepted offer of employment.
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Does Wegmans Drug Test Warehouse Test Applicants?
As we know, warehouses are filled with large machinery loading, unloading, and moving heavy loads, so it can be dangerous to work in.
Because of this, it is mandatory that Wegmans must drug test every applicant to make sure that their warehouses are safe places for all employees. So you will go through this drug test the moment you receive a conditional offer of employment.
What Type Of Drug Test Does Wegmans Use?
Unlike other companies, Wegmans does the hair follicle drug tests. Other companies engage in urine and saliva tests, but Wegman is different, which is why they are seen as one of the best. But if you are applying for the newest store in Washington D.C., you will be doing a urine test.
Using the hair follicle test, it becomes almost impossible for regular drug users to pass a drug test because when a hair sample is drug tested, illegal substances can be detected up to 90 days after your last use.
The good news is that Wegmans does not test retail job applicants for marijuana. But due to security issues in the warehouse department, workers will be tested for marijuana.
At Wegmans, the hair follicle drug test looks for the following drugs:
- Marijuana
- Opiates
- Cocaine
- Amphetamines and methamphetamine
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
A hair follicle drug test is not common for applicant drug testing, so you may not know the processes involved.
Below is an overview of what to expect in the hair follicle test. If you are considered for employment, you will have to visit your clinic to provide your sample.
The Wegmans HR department will give you every paperwork you need for the clinic, so you do not need to make an appointment with the clinic.
A technician will cut up to 150 hairs from your head for testing purposes. The hair taken in the clinic will be packaged and taken to the lab for testing.
The test is done using an ELISA screening test. If, after the testing, your result comes out negative, then you are drug-free and fit for the job. But if the test is positive, confirmatory testing is performed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Urine Testing
Applicants undergoing the urine test will be given a sample cup which they will take to the local clinic with a sample of their urine.
The urine cannot be diluted with water because the toilets have blue dye added to the toilet bowl and cistern. Also, the water t the sink will be turned off until the purpose of the urine test is served.
- Opiates – up to 4 days since last use
- Marijuana – up to 30 days since the last use
- Cocaine – up to 4 days since the last use
- Amphetamines and methamphetamine – within 4 days of last use
- Phencyclidine (PCP) – up to 14 days since last use
Does Wegmans Do Any Other Drug Testing?
As an employee, if you appear to be under the influence of drugs, you will be required to do another drug test.
You will also need a drug test while working, being employed, if you are involved in an accident, or if you violate any of the provisions of their drug and alcohol policy.
The Wegmans employee handbook for information on their drug and alcohol policy states that you are prohibited from;
- Buying, selling, using, possessing, and dispensing illegal drugs
- Consumption or under the influence of alcohol.
- Consuming alcohol while wearing a Wegmans uniform.
- Abuse of narcotic substances, volatile substances, and over-the-counter drugs.
- Buying, selling, dispensing, or illegally using prescription drugs.
- Selling or sharing prescription drugs with another employee.
- Working while impaired due to the use of over-the-counter or prescription drugs.
- Wegmans may search your personal property or your person for drugs, drug paraphernalia, and alcohol.
If you are found wanting of any of these actions, you will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. If illegal drugs are found, law enforcement may be notified.
Benefits Of Working For Wegmans
Wegmans has received various awards over the years because Wegmans is a top-rated employer. It is ranked top as one of the 15 Best Workplaces in Retail lists.
Starting pay for entry-level part-time positions is $15 an hour, and full-time workers average around $18 an hour. Warehouse employees can earn a $1,500 sign-on bonus depending on location.
They also offer paid vacation and scholarships to their employees. Child Care assistance is also included as part of the benefits, as well as the 401(k) retirement plan with 50% contribution and employee discount, Sunday and holiday bonuses, and flexible scheduling.
You also stand a good chance of advancing your career as an employer. And if you work in catering at their stores, you’ll receive training that surpasses anything you will get at most restaurants.
Wegmans has the well-being of their customers and employees at heart which is why they have adopted a more thorough drug testing method than many other employers.
While Wegmans retail employees are not tested for marijuana, Wegmans distribution workers will be required to pass a drug test that includes screening for marijuana, as the warehouse environment is security sensitive.
Working in Wegmans will help in improving your overall health and fitness. So if you are interested, you stand a chance of enjoying the benefits stated above.
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