Are You Prepared To Fail? – This question (and others about failure) will be asked by an employer for a variety of reasons.
First and foremost, she or he may wish to assess your ability to deal with failure. Second, she or he may want to see if you are willing to push yourself (by failing) to become a better employee.
When answering this question, you should acknowledge that failure occurs, but emphasize that failure allows you to learn from your mistakes and become a better employee as a result.
You should also make it clear that you do not fail frequently.
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Any question about failure is a common type of interview question that makes many job applicants nervous.
“Are you willing to fail?” is one of the most difficult interview questions about failure. It may feel strange to admit your flaws and failures during an interview.
There are, however, ways to answer this question that will demonstrate your suitability for the position.
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Tips To Answer The Interview Question – Are You Prepared To Fail?
« Request candid feedback from coworkers.
When you fail, it can be difficult to evaluate yourself objectively. Encourage a colleague to share their honest feedback on the event to get an honest assessment of your shortcomings and how they contributed to the failure.
Look for someone whose position or role was influenced by your poor decision; they will most likely provide you with honest, unadulterated feedback. This can help you put your own thoughts on the issue into context and highlight key points of the event in your discussions with the interviewer.
Not only will the coworker assist you in seeing things from a subjective standpoint, but the insights you gain from such a conversation may help you in your interview.
« Consider the answer carefully.
When selecting a failure to discuss, consider the outcome of the failure and whether it will improve your chances of getting the job. We all make mistakes in life, but some are better kept to ourselves. Choose a story that highlights some of your most important qualities that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
For example, if the position requires quick thinking and adaptability, describe a time when you struggled with rapid change and how you learned from that experience.
Also, avoid examples that result in poor decision-making or a distorted view of the workplace when selecting your answer. Instead, look for stories that end with you as someone who is self-aware, willing to accept good advice, and willing to learn from your mistakes.
« Practice your response
Regardless of how well you prepare, the question may still catch you off guard. However, with practice, you can reduce the likelihood of this happening. Roleplay is an excellent way to practice interview questions and answers.
Give your prepared responses to a friend or family member and instruct them to act as the interviewer.
They will ask you questions, and you will respond in a timely and concise manner. Make sure your rehearsals are as close to the actual interview as possible.
Practice will boost your confidence and help you remember your stories and key points during the actual interview. You can prepare well for the interview using this and other methods.
How to answer the interview Question – Are You Prepared To Fail?
A story about failure is an effective approach to the “Are You Prepared To Fail?” interview questions.
While developing a few talking points is beneficial, it can be even more beneficial to use those points to develop a narrative that is free of flaws or unoriginality.
Prepare your story using the STAR method (Situation/Task, Approach, and Results), detailing what you learned from your experience. The format is an efficient way to get to the important points of your story while keeping it brief.
Are You Prepared To Fail? Sample Answer
Sample Answer 1
While I work hard to avoid mistakes in my work, I am willing to push myself to complete new and difficult tasks that I may not be able to complete.
For example, I was working on a team project once when three of our six team members had to leave to complete a different assignment. We were concerned that the project would fail because half of our team had left.
However, I led our group in revising our team plan and establishing new daily objectives. We finished the task on time and received praise from our company’s CEO for our meticulous work.
I always step up to the plate when faced with a challenge like this, one that has the potential to fail.
Sample Answer 2
When I started my first internship, I was eager to go above and beyond. So much so that I agreed to work with coworkers to meet unrealistic deadlines.
Every week, I was late on at least one task, and my coworkers were not pleased. Following that experience, I devised a tracking system to ensure that I knew how long each task would realistically take, and I made certain that I never fell behind again.
I’ve realized that it’s better to give a longer timeline and be on time than to promise the moon and fail to deliver.
Sample Answer 3
My biggest blunder at my previous job as a warehouse foreman was sending out a duplicate order.
There had been a problem with the new software that the corporate office had installed, but I had failed to follow the proper protocol, which would have caught this error.
Fortunately, the client was understanding, but to ensure consistency, I now keep a checklist for each and every order.
Sample Answer 4
I am a creative thinker who is open to developing and experimenting with new ideas and strategies. These ideas usually work, but when they don’t, that’s when I learn the most.
As a curriculum developer for a high school, for example, I developed a new elective course for freshmen.
We ran a trial run of the course, and students did not seem to enjoy it. Rather than giving up, we solicited student feedback, reworked the class in response to their feedback, and ran the class again the following year.
Students gave the class rave reviews that year. By experimenting with new ideas, we can learn what doesn’t work and how to improve on what does.
Sample Answer 5
Yes, I believe that failure is one of the most effective ways to learn and grow. For example, when I first started working in a retail store, our company purchased a new computer-operated cash register.
I didn’t know how to perform certain functions on the register the first time I used it. Rather than giving up or becoming overwhelmed, I stayed late at work to practice.
A week later, I was the employee who knew the most about the register. I ended up teaching the other clerks how to use the register because they were all having the same issues I was.
I was able to advance in my career by failing and then learning from my mistakes.
Sample Answer 6
To be honest, I dislike failing, even though I am aware that everyone does. I am the type of person who enjoys a challenge, so if I were given an unusually difficult job, I would first gather my team to review the project and begin breaking it down into manageable pieces.
Then we’d start setting realistic goals for each section to complete. I would check in with each team member on a regular basis to ensure that everyone is progressing as expected.
If not, we can make adjustments as needed, because knowing sooner rather than later is preferable. We can begin reconstructing the project and tying up any loose ends once all deadlines have been met.
If we are unable to complete the project, or if I am an utter failure, I would call a meeting with the team to deconstruct our plan of action, go through each component, and try to determine where the breakdowns occurred.
Once we’ve determined where the issues were, we’ll be able to incorporate similar solutions into the next project. So, I guess the bottom line is that I don’t really consider failure in the same way that I consider it a learning opportunity.
Don’t bring up a recent failure. While you want to acknowledge that failure can be beneficial, you also don’t want to imply that you will consistently fail at job tasks.
Choose an example from the distant past to demonstrate that you have learned and improved from your previous mistakes.
Don’t point the finger at others. Do not point fingers at others when explaining your failure. Accept full responsibility, even if another person was involved. You don’t want to come across as the type of employee who blames your problems on your boss or coworkers.
Don’t bring up a failure that was related to the job requirements. You don’t want to raise any doubts in the employer’s mind that you’re not up to the job’s demands.
As a result, do not include an example of a failure related to an important aspect of the job you’re applying for.
For example, if you’re applying for a job in coding and you once made a major coding error with disastrous consequences, don’t bring it up.
Don’t bring up major failures. Have you ever made a mistake at work that resulted in a financial loss for the company or resulted in your dismissal?
Don’t bring up any of these major gaffes. Concentrate on a minor blunder that you were able to easily correct.
when asked “Are You Prepared To Fail?” Do not respond with “No.” This gives the impression that you are afraid to push yourself to greater heights. Also, do not respond, “I have never failed.” This will come across as insincere—everyone has failed at work in some way.